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Fire Extinguisher Installation
Do I need Fire Extinguishers?
Ultimately, the requirement for fire extinguishers is determined by your Fire Risk Assessment which is a legal requirement for every UK business to carry out. However government guide lines suggest that even a one room shop should have at least the minimum provision. So the real, practical answer is - Yes, your business does need fire extinguishers.
Which Type of Extinguisher(s) Do I Need?
The exact number, type and size would vastly depend on the risks that are present within your building. The minimum requirement for any story in a building with a floor area equal to or less than 400 m² there should be a minimum of 2 x class 'A' extinguishers with a minimum combined fire rating of 26A, unless the upper floor area is very small i.e. below 100m2, and in single occupancy, in which case, only a minimum rating of 13A is required on the upper floor.
Once this has been achieved. Special risks need to be taken into account and the correct type of extinguishers for the risks will need to be installed.
Can I Just Buy Dry Powder Extinguishers if They Are Multi-Purpose?
The discharge of a powder extinguisher within buildings can cause a sudden reduction of visibility and can also impair breathing, which could jeopardize escape, rescue or other emergency action. For this reason, powder extinguishers should not be specified for use indoors, unless mitigated by a health and safety risk assessment.

Fire Alarm Design & Installation
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Unit 8A The Arena, Roman Bank
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M-Fire Ltd
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Unit 8A The Arena, Roman Bank, Bourne, PE10 9LQ